Stranded by a winter storm, Agents Mulder, Scully, and Skinner embark on a chaotic road trip rife with tension and unspoken desires. Between facing a speeding ticket, battling a relentless ice storm, and enduring Mulder's peculiar food choices, the close quarters amplify a growing attraction between Scully and Skinner. Despite their professional distance, a near-miss accident and a late-night offer leave them both questioning their next steps as they reach Scully's apartment building. Complimentary Mints Part III: All the King's Mints by PR Chung October 8, 1997 Re-release: June 25, 2023 Skinner/Scully Angst and Humor * The X-Files and characters used here are creations of Chris Carter and 1013 Productions, I have only borrowed them for a moment of humor and romance. *Many thanks to Mr. Elvis Presley for his wonderful voice and lyrics, the inspiration to so many angst-riddled would-be lovers. Complimentary Mints Part III: All the King's Mints by ...