New in the Complimentary Mints Series - Dancing in the Moonlight

In classic X-Files fashion, Mulder presents Scully with a puzzling case: a series of brutal animal attacks in the luxurious resort town of Aspen. The local authorities blame mountain lions, but the details don't fit. Mulder suspects something more... supernatural. 

Scully, ever the skeptic, remains unconvinced, even as Mulder pulls out historical accounts of werewolves and mythical beasts. 

With a free trip to a luxurious spa on the line (courtesy of Mulder's questionable expense tactics), Scully reluctantly agrees to accompany him. Will they uncover a real werewolf lurking among the rich and famous, or is there another explanation for the Aspen attacks?

 In addition to postings here on the site, the story is available on AO3.

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Dancing in the Moonlight (18582 words) by prChung
Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: The X-Files
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dana Scully/Walter Skinner
Characters: Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, Walter Skinner, Original Characters
Additional Tags: An X-File Case, Supernatural Elements, Romance, Humor, Peril, Were-Creatures, Investigations
Series: Part 5 of Complimentary Mints

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